Can You Add on to Your Automated Gate System?

Have you ever wondered if, after you automated gate is installed, you can add on additional access control parts to your operator? If you would like another safety device to help alert people that the gate is moving, a simple fix would be to install a strobe light to the operator. Strobe lights come in many colors, ranging from red, blue, green, amber and more. You can add this simple addition in most cases as it generally has a power output of 12 to 24 VDC.
After your gate is already installed, you may decide there are extra features you’d like that you never thought about or didn’t think you’d end up needing. An example of an add-on that most people don’t consider is installing low voltage lights along your driveway that light up when the gate is opened. That sounds pretty cool, right? You can achieve this if you have a LiftMaster gate operator. With a LiftMaster gate operator, there is additional relay that will allow you to wire in low voltage lights. This works due to the relays that are activated when the gate is moving and will stay on for a while after the gate is open. Having this is convenient to light up the path to your driveway when you pull up and turn back off after your gate is shut. With a little research and creativity, there are a lot of interesting items that you can turn on and off when opening your automated gate.
Your walk gate can also be added on to with items such as electric locks, magnetic locks and keypads to keep strangers out and secure your property. So if your question is whether you can add a new item on to your automatic gate, the answer is absolutely. Contact us today or submit a request for a free estimate today.