How to Tell if Your Automated Gate is Unsafe

As you enter and exit your property, you may find yourself wondering if your gate is still safe, and how would be able to know if it wasn’t. Experts in the gate automation field have put together some sets of standards that you can reference and abide by to keep your gate in safe working order.

There are UL325 (Underwriters Laboratories) standards you can reference that go into detail on what safety devices should be installed on automated gates. Another helpful resource is the ASTM F2200 (American Society for Testing and Materials) standard. This standard was established to go over the methods of evaluation the different types of automated gates that are used by vehicles.

Before you dive into these detailed guidelines, there are a few simple things you can go over.

  • What do your hinges look like?
    • If there are any signs of rust, broken pieces or missing bolts, then the safety of your gate could be compromised
  • Are they in good and working order?
  • Does the gate shut and open as it should on its own?
    • Gates should be able to completely open and shut on their own. You should not be assisting your gate at all. If you are, you should have it looked at
  • Is the gate to close or too far off the ground?
    • Your gate should definitely not be dragging on the ground
  • Are there bushes or trees that need to be trimmed so the gate quicks rubbing on them?

If based on your answers to these questions you think your gate may be questionable, the best thing to do would be to call a professional. American Access Company specializes in gate automation and we can do a thorough inspection of your gate and suggested all UL325 and ASTM F2200 approved changes to improve your gate. For further information or assistance, please contact us today!

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